Planned Meetings

Working Group Sunday July 14, 2024 4 - 6 pm

At Dallas's house in Upper Lake.
No public meetings are planned at this time.

Email the BGN (US Board on Geographic Names)

Anyone who wishes to send a comment to the BGN - in support or in opposition - may email the BGN The subject line MUST include the word KONOCTI. The BGN will forward all submissions to the CACGN. It will be helpful to us if you send us a copy.

We recommend the format:

Subject: In Support of the proposal for the name KONOCTI

You can add one or all supervisors:
Eddie Crandell
Michael Green
Jessica Pyska
Bruno Sabatier
Moke Simon

Or you can use this automatic email link which does all that.

Send email to BGN and Supervisors
(If your email is not set up, that link might not work).

Sign the Online Petition

Learn about the Full History

Read all about the Andy Kelsey and Charles Stone -- and lots more -- on the Learn page.

Related Web Sites

Other supporters of Citizens for Healing have developed:

Citizens for Healing Facebook Page